Fun n City is one of the top destinations for people in Bihar when it comes to resorts, retreats, getaways, restaurants, activities etc. Our idea is of providing a luxurious stay with the combination of fun activities and mouth watering food is what sets us apart.

We offer luxurious stays, a water park, round the clock service and catering, 24×7 restaurants, all day convenience store, 24 hour check-in facility and more. Fun n City offers grandiose cottages as well as luxurious rooms, there is Belmonte Fall for a family adventure and Woodland Park for taking to the nature. There’s lots more coming up with regards to amenities and activities in and around our premises.

Today’s hustle and bustle city life induces a stressful and tense environment around us. This then is passed around to our loved and dear ones. This is where Fun n City comes in. We provide you an alternative for a fun and eventful getaway for you and your family with a never before twist. We provide a relaxing environment where people can feel at one with nature and breathe in fresh long breaths of pure air away from the jostle that is city life. Easily accessible for people in and around Patna so you don’t miss out on the fun and good times.